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Lecture 5, Fri 11/02

Creating a climate that supports the learning of all students

Creating a climate that supports the learning of all students

We will watch two videos by Colleen Lewis:

We will then have a follow up discussion on this week’s reading: Twelve tips for creating a culture that supports all students in computing

Assisting students in contextualized discussions

We will do a variation of one of the past activities which was explaining concepts using flashcards. This is activity will be done in small groups and between pairs who assume the role of (student - tutor). The student will pick a flashcard that has a technical question. In addition, the student will also pick a “context” card that gives some background about them and a desciption of what they really want to talk about as descibed in this list.

The student will only ask the tutor the technical question. The tutor should ask appropriate questions to figure out what the student really wants to talk about.
